Automatic Invoice Reader
Save thousands of work hours using our Automated Invoice Reader for Priority. Simply scan the invoices and our program will read, analyze and input supplier invoices directly into Priority.
Utilizing a complex OCR program, the Module can read, analyze and then open the correct supplier invoices in Priority.
The program is able to handle 2400 supplier invoices in an hour!
Main Use
Our reader uses a complex OCR program that “reads” a scanned document and translates it, then analyzes the text and separates them into parts - supplier name, invoice number, detail lines, etc and automatically inputs the information into Priority.
No more manually inputting the invoices into priority!

Secondary Use - Invoice scanning and allocation of invoices
Some of our clients use our program to save valuable time on scanning and inputting the invoices into the correct supplier in Priority.
After all the invoices have been inputted into the system, instead of opening each supplier and scanning their invoices and then attaching them to the right place, our program will scan thousands of invoices an hour and automatically file them under the right supplier.
This method saves valuable time spent manually identifying and matching the invoices.