Customer Club Module
The Spam Law exposed many companies to lawsuits costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. In order to solve this problem, we developed the Customer Club Module for Priority.
Sign customers on a club form giving their permission to receive emails/whatsapp messages from you and save yourself exposure to a lawsuit.
The Spam Law allows people who get email or smartphone commercials without provable permission, to file a lawsuit and receive from the sender reparations of up to 1000 ILS.
In recent years many organizations have been sued for hundreds of thousands of shekels, without the ability to prove that they received permission from their customers to send them promotions.
This module enables you to insure yourself, by immediately scanning the document signed by the client and filing it directly in the Priority program in your company.
The program automatically recognizes if there is a real customer signature and, if there isn’t, automatically sends a notification.
There is no need to transfer the signed paper from one branch to another, and no more need for filing and searching through an archive of hundreds of thousands of customer membership papers.